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How to pick the right real estate agent

In our last post we talked about the pre-approval and how the two most important items that any potential home buyer needed to focus on first was their credit and their pre-approval. Assuming all looked good in those areas, the next item to sit down and consider is how to pick the right real estate agent.

A real estate agent is a very important member of your home buying team.

Make sure that you pick the right person for you. Just like any team you are on, you want to ensure that the real estate agent as a member of that team gives you good balance and improves your experience. Do not just choose the first one you meet. Just like with your lender search make sure you do your due diligence. Ask your network for recommendations. If you already have a Lender ask them, go to open houses and talk with the realtors there and do some online reconnaissance. A bad agent or a good agent who does not match well with your personality can really make the home buying experience a struggle, and during a time that is supposed to be fun and exciting it can add a lot of undue stress.

Now that you know how to find the right realtor.

You may be asking yourself what exactly will they do besides drive me around in their car and show me houses? The answer. A lot. A great realtor will be your primary advisor through the home process and will not only show you around the neighborhood to look at different homes to buy.

A few items that you should expect from your realtor include showing you homes, advise on the negatives and positives of each home you look at and make sure you do not get in to anything unexpected with a home. They act as a referral source for other parties needed in the process and most importantly they help you negotiate a deal that you feel good about. If at anytime during the home search they are not adding this value or meshing with your personality consider a switch.



Networth Funding Corp fue fundada en 2009, con más de 70 años de experiencia en préstamos combinados, nuestro equipo profesional brinda a los compradores de viviendas préstamos hipotecarios de bienes raíces en

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